Saturday, October 13, 2007

VA: Websites, Student Teaching Information, Placement Form, AZ Fingerprint Process & Deadlines

Holly Rahn Fri, Oct 12, 2007 at 3:13 PM
Hi Jeanne
I have attached some items and below you will find additional information. Please let me know if you have any questions. I know this is a jam packed email but that is why I am here so please call me if you need any clarification. Have a great day!
**1st Progression Deadline (due by end of Student Teaching Seminar I course):
1) Copy of AZ fingerprint clearance card submitted into TaskStream for evaluation (see below)
2) Copy of passing score report for the Praxis I math & VCLA (see below)
3) Complete Field Placement Form and email in to teacher education specialist (see details below)
**2nd Deadline - Due 12 weeks prior to Student Teaching start:
1) Student teaching application
2) Passing score on the AEPA Secondary content knowledge exam OR your State's Secondary mandated content exam (Praxis II - we can discuss this)
1- Basic Skills Sites: Go to this sites to locate information about the exams, how to register or contact them.
** Praxis I - You will need to register, take and pass the math section of the Praxis I. You will need to pass with at least a
minimum score of 170 to meet your math proficiency.
** VCLA - (VA Communication Literacy Assessment) - you will need to register, take & pass this exam for it to
meet your English proficiency. The minimum score is listed on the VA department of education website.
2- Content Exam Sites (AEPA for Arizona OR your state mandated content exam)
** AEPA: The website supplies information about study guides, fees and locations.
** Praxis II: You will need to research what content exam is required for your state. (Register, take, pass and fax in the
score report)
3- VA DOE Website: This will help you research what VA requires for obtaining a VA teaching licensure. Once on the site, go to the drop down part and select "Teacher Education & Licensure". This will pull up multiple links. Click on the first titled "Application for VA Licensure". This will pull up a PDF file that includes the requirements including exams that VA requires.
4- Student Teaching Application (attached): this is the paperwork that you, your site supervisor and cooperating teacher fill out and send back to be to submit for approval to student teach. Please fax or scan back the information pages, the beginning pages are information for you to read. Please also send me a copy of the school calendar for the school year. (you hang on to this application if you are requesting placement)
5- Here are some things to keep in mind if you want to set up your own student teaching:
- The school needs to be accredited with at least 100 students enrolled
- It needs to be okay with your school and district that you student teach there (check to see what their procedures are)
- Site Supervisor (Ex. Principal) who meets requirements: has at least a Masters degree, 1 year of Administrative experience and has a
current certification.
- Cooperating Teacher who has at least a Bachelors degree, 2 years experience and holds a current certification in your content
- You need to have all progressions completed (listed on your student checklist)
- You need to complete the student teaching application and have it submitted to me 12 weeks prior to the start of your
student teaching in the classroom.
6- Field Placement Request Form (attached): You just open this form, fill it out and submit to your TES. (The only thing to keep in mind is that the Administrators will not secure placement until all progression are completed). Please fill out accordingly:
1. Make sure that you have 2 different school districts, the 1st choice is your main choice and the
second is your back-up.
2. You will also need to write the contact person within each district who deals with student teaching
placement (just call each district office and ask who deals with student teaching placement and
get their name/number).
3. Please list your preference for schools (you can list more than one if you'd like, it doesn't give
you much room but you can fit in in :-)
These are the main three areas that need to be filled out on the form. You can write a cooperating teacher if you know who you may like to teach with but this is not mandatory. ***IF YOU ARE APPLYING TO STUDENT TEACH IN YOUR OWN CLASSROOM, THEN YOU ONLY NEED TO FILL OUT THE #1 CHOICE WITH YOUR SCHOOL/DISTRICT'S CONTACT INFORMATION. THIS WILL HELP VERIFY THAT YOU ARE OKAY TO STUDENT TEACH IN YOUR OWN CLASSROOM. THANK YOU***
7- AZ Fingerprint Process:
- Once you receive the packet in the mail, contact your local law enforcement to go and get your prints inked on the card.
- Fill out the application (let me know if you have any questions)
- Send in your prints, the application and a cashiers check (or money order) for $52 to the address given (there should be an envelope to
mail all this info back to AZ DPS)
- They will process the application and then issue you back a card (little white card, about the size of a drivers license)
- Make a copy of the front of the card and submit it into your TaskStream account.
8 - Student Teaching Deadlines:
** All progressions and paperwork are to be submitted 12 weeks prior to your student teaching start date so you can apply and be officially approved to start. (In addition, some of you also have a 1st progression deadline to have certain progressions due by the end of your Student teaching Seminar I course, either ELM/516; SEC/518 or SPE/548) You cannot begin your student teaching courses or experience without approval.
** Fall Student teaching: (Rolling 12 week deadline, NO PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE NEEDED)
Start in August = deadline is May (paperwork and progressions completed & submitted)
September = deadline is June (paperwork and progressions completed & submitted)
October = deadline is July (paperwork and progressions completed & submitted)
** Spring Student teaching: (Rolling 12 week deadline, NO PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE NEEDED)
Start in January = deadline is Oct of previous year (paperwork and progressions completed & submitted)
February = deadline is November of previous year (paperwork and progressions completed & submitted)
March = deadline is December of previous year (paperwork and progressions completed & submitted)
** Placement Assistance Needed??:
**If you need assistance in setting up placement for student teaching then you need to have all progressions completed &
submitted before the placement assistance can begin. You will need to be progression ready by the following deadlines to
request assistance: - For Fall Placement: progressions are due by Jan/Feb. to ensure enough time to work on
placement before the school year ends.
- For Spring Placement: progressions are due by Aug./Sept. to ensure enough time to work on
placement before the winter break.
Thank you for your time and I will talk to you soon!

Holly Rahn
Teacher Education Specialist

Education Division
University of Phoenix | Online Campus | 3157 E Elwood St | Phoenix, AZ 85034
phone (800) 366-9699 X 77738 | (602) 387-7738 |
fax (602) 333-1283 | email: or

"Impacting Student Learning, One Educator at a Time"
For additional Student Teaching information, please visit:

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